In life, you can be trained and prepared for most things – however as every child is different nothing ever fully prepares you for parenting. Having said that, there are certain principles that, when applied to parenting can make life with your children that much easier and a whole lot more fun. A The Parent Heart we run workshops that speak to the heart of family and parenting. Theses workshops are held in person or online and will give you practical handles on parenting.

How can the Parent Heart Support you on your Parenting Journey today?

Before you go any further I want you to know – You’ve got this! You are going to be okay, and when if feel like you are drowning just know that there is a community out there rooting for you and cheering you on! Your children are yours because you were chosen as the best parents for them! Things maybe hard today but today is not tomorrow. So lift up your chin. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and you were born for such a time as this! At The Parent Heart we are here to walk alongside you and support you along the way in this beautifully, crazy journey called Parenthood.”